Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dick's Restaurant, San Leandro

Grrr....what kind of dick would call their restaurant "Dick's"? A dick called Dick perhaps? I guess it's a possibility. Just to be upfront, I was ready to hate Dick's and give the owner a real dicking roasting on my blog...I'm talking a real grumbling grrrr-fest, but you know what, I really liked Dick's. It's not that I'm afraid to grumble, you understand, but when I find something I like, I have to suspend my normal urges to moan and talk it up. So here goes:

Dick's is fantastic! Their decor hasn't been touched since the 70's, which is great as I LOVE old stuff; it's so much better than the generic rigid plastic all the chain eateries have invested in - god knows, the Bay Area has more than enough of that stuff lying around. The service is great too: speedy but you don't feel rushed, and the food is great. The menu is the usual diner fare, but it's just a little bit better than you'd expect. They've even got the old fashioned milkshakes - the ones where you get some extra shake in a metal cup like back in the day. Another plus is the friendly atmosphere and their general tolerance of Mr Grumble Jr running around in the bar area. Not a lot of places you can say that about. There's really nothing for me to Grumble about...grrrr!!!!

Dick's Restaurant: you'd be a dick not to check it out!

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