Monday, April 4, 2011

target and their plastic bags

Grr...I hate it when I go to Target and, like no matter which store I go to, they insist on bagging my stuff's like the checkout minion thinks, "OK, like the toothpaste goes in one bag, and then the toothbrush, better put that in another bag, and then this dental floss, quick, get me another bag..." and so on.....I spend half my time at the target checkout taking stuff out of bags and putting it into other part full bags, and the other half of my time trying to grab stuff off of the conveyor before it gets in a bag. What a pain!

Grrr...God I hate Target...why do I ever go there...oh yeah, I guess it's cheap and convenient...but, Grr...moan, whine, they do annoy me. Today, though, they went too far. I mean I just popped in to pick up some laundry detergent, and, while I was there, I bought a pack of cookies, a box of donuts, and two bananas (I know, I'm on a Spring health kick!), plus my Tide. How many bags do I get given at checkout? That's right, three! And I took the detergent away from her before she could put that in a bag! Honestly, what IS the world coming to?*

*I suppose I should think myself lucky that she didn't separate my two bananas and bag them individually as well!

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