Thursday, April 7, 2011

OMG FedEx Office is soooooo awful

Grrr....grumble, grumble, moan. What is going on with customer service at FedEx Office? I went there today and it was like having red hot needles shoved under my fingernails - and I know because I've had that done at the ER, and boy did I grumble that day! the memory.

So here's what happened at FedEx. I ordered some 11"x17" color printing online, nothing much, like 25 copies or something, and show up to collect it about 2:00 pm. The only guy in the place, let's call him Jim, as that's what it said on his badge, is just finishing up with another customer...well, I assume that's what he's doing as he is handing the person some bills, and there's one other lady I stand there...for like fifteen minutes while Jim ambles about, not doing much, and still talking to the original guy...

...then Mr Grumble Jr announces that he needs to go to the bathroom, like RIGHT NOW! I have to leave, loose my place in line, and walk down the mall to find a bathroom...grr!...still, can't be helped....eventually this is accomplished, and we return to FedEx, probably after another 15 minutes or this time another couple of folks have shown up, and guess what - yes, Jim is still dealing with the same guy he was talking to when I first arrived!

Grrrr! Finally, Jim gets done, and moves onto the next poor soul who's probably been waiting since last Thursday, and she needs a refund for something...oh dear, poor Jim can't cope....he has to disappear out the back for ten minutes to take a Valium or something...grrr!, grr, grrr! Eventually he comes back, and starts doing the paperwork for the refund. Poor chap, he can't handle it - his pen moves so slowly across the page I keep thinking he's fallen into a coma - you know what I mean, the kind of guy who should really be working at the DMV, not somewhere with a line of people waiting for him to GET A GRIP!

Grrrr! After about 45 minutes from when I first showed up, I had to throw in the towel and leave. I know I skipped out for a bit, but Jim had only manged to serve one customer in all this time, and with a few folks still in front of me I had to go - I just couldn't bear to spend the rest of the afternoon in the Fedex Store watching Jim dick around when he should have been BUSTING A GUT to get his job done. I did tell him, as I was leaving, that I had to go, and that I wouldn't be coming back for the printing, but I didn't get the sense he cared all that much....Grrrr!! Now I'll have to find somewhere else to get my stuff done....Grrr!!!

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